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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks


General area for talks without a retreat


2016-11-06 Maranasati: Mindfulness of Death 58:38
Eugene Cash
2016-11-08 Chant, Breathe, Trust - Bless the Rain 16:21
Ayya Medhanandi
One way animals restore themselves after an attack and regain equilibrium is through the trembling of the body. We too, as human beings, can create an inner rhythmic chant to resonate vibrational waves that help us move out of fear and clear traumas from our nervous system. All the senses converge and soak in the sound of the breath itself. Trusting the heart's innate goodness, we feel uplifted. Bless the rain.
2016-11-08 Things As They Are 17:48
Howard Cohn
2016-11-10 Loving-kindness 54:51
Kim Allen
Kim Allen gave the second talk in the eleven-week series "Ten Perfections." She discussed loving-kindness, or Metta, a strength of heart we develop through goodwill, both inner and outer. We develop goodwill through interpersonal relationships, and also through complete acceptance of all aspects of ourself. The path to complete Metta is inward through the heart.
2016-11-11 The Breath as a Gateway to Liberation - part 3 1:38:01
Kim Allen
A 3-session series on the practices of the Anapanasati Sutta
2016-11-11 Step 11: Cultivating Your Inner Monastery in Recovery 2:02:05
Walt Opie
Friday Night Dharma and Recovery Talk with guest speaker Walt Opie, November 11, 2016.
2016-11-12 Workshop - Surrendering to Love 2:49:07
Amma Thanasanti
Lovingkindness (Metta)
2016-11-13 Spirit Rock, The Power of Perception: The Colors of Experience, Morning Session 1:53:03
Ajahn Karunadhammo
Morning session 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
2016-11-13 The Power of Perception: The Colors of Experience 2:21:05
Ajahn Karunadhammo
Afternoon Session from 12:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
2016-11-13 Saving Grace 23:04
Ayya Medhanandi
The Buddha offers us an extraordinary medicine – the medicine of Truth. No one can take it for us nor can we take it for anyone else. And we discover it through our own wisdom, love, and compassion. We are the surgeon and the Dhamma is our saving grace. Even in the midst of the raging fires of the world or the fires of greed, hatred and delusion within us, we gain a foothold to the heart's peace.
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