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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation: Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Students

This silent meditation course for experienced practitioners will focus on deepening mindfulness and insight into being with oneself and others. Our guiding map will be the teachings on the Four Applications of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna), which enable us to tap into the wealth of practical wisdom from early Buddhist contemplative traditions. The teachers will offer gentle and precise training in unifying the mind, guiding us in establishing different modes of awareness and in metta (friendliness). These practices allow for quieting and strengthening the heart, and foster transformative insights, growth and integration.

2017-06-30 (8 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2017-06-30 Opening Talk 39:52
Akincano Marc Weber
2017-07-01 Morning Instructions 54:04
Christina Feldman
2017-07-01 Cultivating the Mind - Citta and its Functions 54:17
Akincano Marc Weber
On the contemplative task - Citta as the habit of the mind.
2017-07-03 Brahmaviharas - as practices for the relational world. 61:02
Akincano Marc Weber
2017-07-04 Vedanā - Feeling tone and attention. Practice instruction 46:06
Akincano Marc Weber
2017-07-07 Closing Talk - Reflections And The Way Forward 49:45
Akincano Marc Weber
Yuka Nakamura and Christian Feldman also included
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