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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2019-07-06 Regaining Your Strength - Absence of the Five Hindrances 37:18
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2019-07-06 10 guided meditation: dyad practice, mindfulness of mind 21:24
Jill Shepherd
Working in pairs naming mind-states out loud using just one word; separately for four minutes each, then alternating back and forth
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2019-07-06 09 instructions: mindfulness of mind 8:37
Jill Shepherd
A short talk offering definitions of different aspects of mental activity, including thoughts, emotions, moods and mind-states
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2019-07-06 08 talk: Second Noble Truth, craving for sense pleasures, compassion 26:10
Jill Shepherd
Returning to the Second Noble Truth, exploring clinging to sense pleasure as a common reaction to unpleasant emotions, and how compassion and self-compassion offer a more skilful way of navigating anxiety
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2019-07-06 07 guided meditation: body, breathing, choiceless awareness 14:46
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation beginning with physical sensations and the breath, opening to choiceless awareness, orienting to kindness and metta
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2019-07-06 Bringing Curiosity to Feeling Tone 64:41
Sebene Selassie
A meditation on bringing a curious and kind awareness to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

2019-07-06 Cultivating Wise Speech: Becoming More Skillful in Your Speech Practice 62:31
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2019-07-05 Practice Here, Practice There, Practice Everywhere 1:13:12
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Five-Week Vipassana Retreat with Sayadaw Vivekananda, Sayalay Daw Vimalanani, & Marcia Rose

2019-07-05 Guided 4 Elements 31:50
Bonnie Duran
Guided body scan
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

2019-07-05 Instructions de méditation 30:08
Sayadaw U Jagara
Synthèse de la retraite et réintégrer le quotidien après la retraite et pratique entre les retraites.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

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