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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-12-06 "Sitting Meditation Before the Dharma Talk" 50:10
Kate Munding
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2018-12-06 Nature humaine 64:48
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight La sagesse incarnée

2018-12-06 Un esprit stable au milieu des perturbations 57:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight La sagesse incarnée

2018-12-06 Lojong Slogans 44:33
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2018-12-05 Say What You Mean 50:54
Oren Jay Sofer
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2018-12-05 Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice 52:41
Tara Brach
A key spiritual inquiry is, “In this moment, what most serves awakening?” Rather than a particular style of meditation practice, it is our way of relating to our experience – our attitude – that frees our hearts. This talk explores the attitudes that are an expression of our innately open, wakeful and loving awareness, and that carry us to realization. (a favorite from the archives)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2018-12-05 The Mind of Faith 55:39
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2018-12-05 Everything Changes But You 41:08
Nathan Glyde
Some very obvious things need to be looked at with more honest clarity; One of those is our sense of self. It just seems so obvious, practically undeniable, that “I am”. Yet a separate self is impossible to find; what a paradox.
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom

2018-12-05 Practicing with the Darkness of Our Time 1 64:07
Donald Rothberg
Inspired by the moving into the darkness of the Winter Solstice, we explore four understandings of darkness that can guide our practice at this time: (1) the importance of stopping, as seems to be the case at this time of year with the earth, disengaging for a period, and listening deeply; (2) being more skillful with what is difficult or challenging; (3) learning to be with what is unknown or unresolved; and (4) seeing how the darkness can, as is so with the earth, be generative and fertile. We apply these understandings mostly to our individual practice, but also to the difficulties and unknowns of our collective situation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2018-12-05 Wednesday Morning Meditation 2:02:25
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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