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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-05-16 Three Characteristics of How It Is 60:06
Anna Douglas
"Reality is that which doesn't go away when we stop believing in it."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2018-05-15 The roles of mindfulness, metta and equanimity in our practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:59
Sally Armstrong
Equanimity is central to the Buddha's teachings and practices, and so underlies and supports both mindfulness and metta (loving-kindness). For Samma Sati, Right Mindfulness, to develop, equanimity needs to function to keep us connected with experiences even when they are difficult or challenging, to deepen insight into the true nature of reality. In metta practice, equanimity keeps the heart open when conditions are not ideal for kindness - and they are often not ideal!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity and Awareness Retreat

2018-05-15 Impermanence is a doorway to Freedom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:58
Susie Harrington
the Buddha taught that the recognition of arising and passion away (Anicca) is the doorway to freedom. In this talk, we explore impermanence and it’s relationship to dukkha. To let go ov our argument with the reality – with the way things are, to the nature of changing phenomena, opens up to the possibility of ease and freedom: “All things are impermanent/ They arise and they pass away./ To live in harmony with this truth/ Brings great happiness.”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing and Spacious Awareness Retreat

2018-05-15 Equanimity-Seeing the World with Quiet Eyes (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 68:31
Kamala Masters
This is similar to other talks with the same title, but includes understanding the practice of equanimity for this particular retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity and Awareness Retreat

2018-05-15 On Thoughts, Instructions & Guided Meditation 57:21
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight A Heart That Resonates

2018-05-15 Equanimity, Context & Guided Meditation 42:17
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight A Heart That Resonates

2018-05-15 Day 1: Sitting Meditation and Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:48
Kamala Masters
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity and Awareness Retreat

2018-05-15 Day 2: Sitting Meditation and Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:07
Sally Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity and Awareness Retreat

2018-05-14 Buddha, Dharma, Sangha: What Inspires Us in Our Practice 50:55
Roxanne Dault
True North Insight A Heart That Resonates

2018-05-14 The Practice of Developing Samadhi (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:10
Donald Rothberg
After examining the nature and importance of samadhi practice, we focus on how to practice samadhi and the main challenges to developing samadhi (and how to work with these challenges).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing and Spacious Awareness Retreat

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