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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-10-14 Self Compassion: A Bridge To Equanimity 53:03
Beth Sternlieb
The Buddha teaches friendship is the whole path. This includes friendship with our self.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2017-10-14 How we find inner space (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:54
Pascal Auclair
Thoughts on spaciousness, followed by an exercise on speech
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embodying Awakening - Yoga and Meditation

2017-10-14 Trusting That We're Enough to Wake Up 53:32
La Sarmiento
Through taking refuge in our own buddha-nature, the teachings and practices of the Buddha, radical acceptance of life's unfolding, and supportive community, we can transform our limited views of ourselves and expand our capacity to awaken to what's real, to alleviate suffering, and to cultivate true happiness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2017 IMCW Fall Retreat: Intimacy with Life

2017-10-14 Reactivity & Response 52:16
Jaya Rudgard
Seeing the present moment with fresh eyes.
Gaia House Insight Meditation & Qi Gong

2017-10-14 Workshop: The Discipline and Freedom of Wise Speech 2:42:52
with Mark Nunberg, Wynn Fricke
The Buddha has much to say about wise speech as a cause for living with integrity and building wholesome community, and as a direct opening to what the Buddha calls the bliss of blamelessness. In this workshop we will look at the Buddha’s teachings on wise speech in terms of all the relationships we navigate in our lives. We will explore the radical question, what does speech look like when it is not being motivated by greed, anger or delusion? The Living the Practice Workshop Series is designed for people who have an ongoing mindfulness practice and want to integrate the practice more thoroughly into all aspects of life.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2017-10-14 Guided Heart Metta Meditation 33:52
Sebene Selassie
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2017 IMCW Fall Retreat: Intimacy with Life

2017-10-14 Le Dhamma dans la Vie Quotidienne Ordinaire 51:25
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks given at Maison Mudita, Suisse 2017

2017-10-14 The Essence of Buddhist Psychology - Daylong, Part 2 afternoon 3:30:33
Jack Kornfield
Discover inner capacities for wakefulness, joy, dignity, and compassion - your Buddhanature. Our training will study the fundamental principles of Buddhist psychology, combing practical examples, teaching stories, visonary wisdom and case studies. We will explore applications of the revolutionary perspectives in our healing work, our meditation and our life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2017-10-14 Morning Instruction and Walking Meditation 21:23
Pat Coffey
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2017 IMCW Fall Retreat: Intimacy with Life

2017-10-14 Day 4 AM Practice and teachings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:13:43
Leslie Booker
Open Awareness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Empty Mind Full Heart

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