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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-10-05 Anatta: The Dukkha and The Freedom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:14
Susie Harrington
How we create, reify and cling to self. How this is a source of Dukkha and how we can find our way to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Spacious Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Students

2017-10-05 The Five Aggregates Are Not Self 62:23
Guy Armstrong
The five aggregates describe our whole human experience without reference to an "I" or "my". It is freeing to see in this way without the burden of self.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2017-10-04 Some 4 Noble Truths 64:12
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-10-04 From Samadhi Practice to Insight Practice 61:48
Donald Rothberg
After some further examination of the nature of samadhi practice, we look at the “three ways of seeing that liberate,” focusing especially on impermanence (anicca) and dukkha, with some attention to not-self (anatta)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Spacious Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Students

2017-10-04 Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Life 16:29
Tara Brach
This meditation guides us in relaxing through the body, then opening to the changing river of experience. By continually relaxing back and letting go into what is unfolding, we discover the natural vastness, wakefulness and vitality of our essential Being. The poet Danna Faulds writes: In the shared quiet, an invitation arises like a white dove lifting from a limb and taking flight. Come and live in truth. Take your place in the flow of grace. Draw aside the veil you thought would always separate your heart from love. All you ever longed for is before you in this moment, if you dare draw in a breath and whisper “yes.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-10-04 River of Change – Bringing a Wise Heart to this Impermanent Life – Part 1 54:35
Tara Brach
These two talks look at how we relate to change – especially the notable changes involving loss of relationships and our own body and mind. We examine our strategies for avoiding uncertainty and fear; the consequences of resisting reality; our refuges of presence and compassion in the face of grief; and the gifts of opening fully to the river of change.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-10-04 Instructions & Guided Meditation 20:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-10-04 Kate Munger and The Threshhold Choir (Drop in program at Spirit Rock) 1:55:30
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2017-10-04 Samadhi - the three streams of energy 23:58
Breath, jhana factors, kaya sankhara, citta sankhara, vaci sankhara, calming body, uplifting heart/mind, stilling thought
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2017 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2017-10-03 Kisa Gotami: Buddha's Deep Compassion Toward Women 40:55
Ayya Santussika
In this fourth talk in a lecture series on the Great Disciples, the speaker, Ayya Santussika, tells the life story of two enlightened, fully ordained nuns. In fact, there were quite a few of enlightened, fully ordained nuns at the Buddha's time. The speaker also discusses how we can find the key to our own happiness in these nuns' stories, such as letting go, calming the mind, and realizing complete freedom from suffering. Finally, Ayya Santussika describes the Buddha's tremendous compassion for women. In his teachings, the Buddha acknowledged sufferings that were specific to women that are still relevant today.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: The Great Disciples: People and Personalities in the Buddha's Community

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