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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-08-15 Buddhist Studies Course - The Practices of Lovingkindness and Compassion - Week 1 1:54:33
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Practices of Lovingkindness and Compassion

2016-08-15 P.O.C Sangha - Aug. 15th, 2016 33:49
Gina Sharpe
This sitting group provides instruction in insight meditation and fosters mutual support and understanding among the growing community of people of color who find nourishment and inspiration in the practice.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

2016-08-15 Guided Meditatiopn - posture, nature of thought, non judgement - Aug. 15th, 2016 34:12
Gina Sharpe
This sitting group provides instruction in insight meditation and fosters mutual support and understanding among the growing community of people of color who find nourishment and inspiration in the practice.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

2016-08-15 Be Like Bamboo 35:58
Ayya Medhanandi
The jhana factors serve as antidotes to the five hindrances as well as supports in developing the Noble Eightfold Path. But they are not enough in and of themselves to establish wisdom. Studying the body and mind through samatha and vipassana, we come to understand the Four Noble Truths. As we transform consciousness, we transcend the world. A talk given at a 7 day Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in the Chapin Mill Zen Retreat Centre, Batavia, NY.
Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto

2016-08-15 The Empty Net of Dependent Arising 39:59
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2016-08-15 Breath Energy Meditation 46:16
Nathan Glyde
A meditation bringing together breath, body and our rambling mind into a concentrated state
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016

2016-08-15 Listening as Awareness 45:08
Nathan Glyde
A meditation on the effortless of receiving sounds
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016

2016-08-14 Form and Emptiness, Perfectly Fused 59:41
Recognition of the Deathless Element. Nibbana. Radical reflection. Two roots of the mind. Source of thought. What remains?
Gaia House From Separation to Seamless Reality

2016-08-14 Reading: Sayadaw U Pandita – Mother Hen 12:16
Ayya Medhanandi
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-08-14 Mudita 58:48
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

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