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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-03-19 Berkeley Community's Own New Green Committee 57:02
James Baraz
James along with Kerry Nelson, who is with Spirit Rock's Green Group and Sean Munding, from our community, are the speakers. Sean will be enthusiastically heading our Berkeley Community's own new Green Committee. We will be exploring using our practice to meaningfully address the issue of climate change.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2015-03-19 The Prototype Turning 37:00
Gregory Kramer
Turning point on the path, seeing patterns with clarity
Insight Dialogue Community (Bella Rakha Retreat Centre) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-03-19 Mindfulness, Great Mindfulness, Wisdom and Release 60:46
Heather Sundberg
In this talk Heather shares some of her personal connection with the Thai Forest Tradition, followed by offering a map of practice from the tradition. Sati (Mindfulness) - MahaSati (Pure Awareness) - SatiPanna (Mindfulness- Wisdom) - PannaVimudhi (Wisdom Leading to Release).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-19 Path of Transformation 60:36
Living from an authentic human heart through the journey of the shadow
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2015-03-19 Brahma Vihara Day 19 44:04
John Travis
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-19 The Unobstructed Heart 40:26
The inter-relationship of wisdom and compassion. How the power of kindness can melt the walls of the mind
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2015-03-18 How Practice Creates Happiness 52:50
Winnie Nazarko
Buddhism describes conditioned experience as being dukkha (unsatisfying/suffering) in the First Noble Truth. Yet practice leads to happiness - how does this paradox resolve? This talk describes how happiness arises in/through the Eightfold Path of practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-18 The Art and Study of Practice 1:17:25
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2015-03-18 Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs 1:13:28
Tara Brach
This talk looks at how we get imprisoned in fear based, limiting beliefs. We then explore key meditative steps that help release these veils and reveal the fullness and goodness of our essential being.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2015-03-18 Mindfulness of the breathing body 44:30
Gregory Kramer
Anapanasati 1. In silence, guided: Int, Ext, Both; 2. Internal�A-B-AB; 3. External--A-B-AB; 4, Int + Ext�B-A-AB; 5. Open awareness; 6. How was practice
Insight Dialogue Community (Bella Rakha Retreat Centre) Insight Dialogue Retreat

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