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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2014-01-17 The Joy of Joy 62:37
Larry Yang
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2014-01-17 Metta-– The Heart's Release. 67:03
Marcia Rose
There is a great release of the contractions of the heart... the past pains, hurts and anguish that we've taken in and taken on as "mine", "me", as"I am". It it's not so easy to relinquish these habituated patterns of our-self. Our commitment to our practice and willingness to take the journey is what affords the transformation. Not so easy at times, but well worth it.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-01-17 Morning Instructions 11:30
Christina Feldman
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living a Mindful and Compassionate Life: Insight and Metta Weekend

2014-01-17 Ou sommes nous quand nous sommes absent? 40:48
Charles Genoud
Centre Bouddhiste Vimalakirti

2014-01-16 Earth As Witness: International Dharma Teachers' Statement on Climate Change 63:47
James Baraz, Bob Doppelt
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
In collection: One Earth Sangha

2014-01-16 Metta and Forgiveness 57:19
Donald Rothberg
Forgiveness practice is one of the family of "heart practices" and particularly valuable in relationship to difficult experiences, both interpersonal (or social) and in relationship to oneself. We look at forgiveness in the context of metta practice, exploring the dynamics of forgiveness through stories and core guidelines of forgiveness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2014-01-16 Compassion 51:59
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2014-01-15 Q&A Detachment Engagement Motivation Devotion 64:21
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2014-01-15 The Difficulties Are the Gifts: Metta, Compassion and Their Hindrances 56:11
Heather Sundberg
How to bring your metta practice alive in the midst of the inevitable cycles of difficulty and purification. Stories, poems, practices and tools to help us "keep going".
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2014-01-15 Equanimity 40:33
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

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