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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-09-30 Surrender To Truth 54:59
Winnie Nazarko
How "wise effort" to practice the Dharma is really a kind of receptive letting go. How our usual ways of controlling things can be relinquished.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-30 Metta Meditation #2 44:19
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes, Awareness with Wisdom

2013-09-30 Faith: Obstacles and Supports 56:07
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
We confront many obstacles in practice—our karmic conditioning, cultural conditioning, and resistance to the realities of anicca, dukkha, anatta. In order to surmount these obstacles, anyone who wishes to progress along the path, must act on faith and the factors that support that.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study & Practice Program Week 1 - 13/14ISPP1

2013-09-30 Buddhist Studies Course - Dukkha - Unsatisfactoriness - Week 3 1:28:42
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Dukkha - Unsatisfactoriness

2013-09-30 Buddhist Studies Course - Dukkha - Unsatisfactoriness - Week 5 1:30:20
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Dukkha - Unsatisfactoriness

2013-09-30 Forgiveness Practice 59:35
Bhante Buddharakkhita
Forgiveness practice is a process of letting go of the emotion of feeling being hurt or wounded
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-29 Metta Meditation #1 41:10
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes, Awareness with Wisdom

2013-09-29 The Wisdom of Metta 57:24
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes, Awareness with Wisdom

2013-09-29 Still Flowing Water - part 1 59:38
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-09-29 3rd Foundation of Mindfulness - Part 4 - Taking the practice home 52:32
Tempel Smith
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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