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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-05-16 Introduction to Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation 18:04
Lila Kate Wheeler
A concise discussion on loving kindness or Metta Bhavana
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-15 Dharma Talk 39:19
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-05-15 Releasing the Barriers to Unconditional Love 1:23:24
Tara Brach
We long for love and habitually armor our hearts. This talk explores the aggression and clinging that protect our wound of feeling unlovable, and the ways that mindfulness can dissolve our defenses and reveal our inner refuge of pure loving presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2013-05-15 Loving Ourselves As We Grow Older 59:04
James Baraz
The importance of accepting and learning to love ourselves is important at any age. But it is particularly crucial as as we learn to adjust to a body and mind going through the aging process as well as a new self-identity about who we are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging as Spiritual Opportunity: A retreat for those 55 and older

2013-05-15 Dependent Origination IV-Review and Introduction to Liberative Dependent Origination 62:35
Donald Rothberg
After a brief review of dependent origination. We also review ways of intervening in the cycle of suffering, and then begin to explore the teaching of "liberative" or "transcendental" dependent origination-focused on the causes and conditions leading to freedom and liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2013-05-15 Final Take Home Message 33:08
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Practising Presence - Touching the Still Heart

2013-05-15 Guided Meditation - Early Morning - Leaving Yesterday's Shadow 14:53
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Practising Presence - Touching the Still Heart

2013-05-14 Essential Dharma, Part 3, Week 7 B 45:35
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma: Core Buddhist Teachings, Part 3, 2013

2013-05-14 Essential Dharma, Part 3, Week 7 A 57:57
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma: Core Buddhist Teachings, Part 3, 2013

2013-05-14 The Buddha's Discourse On Non-Self 54:53
Joseph Goldstein
A discourse and exploration of the relationship between Dukkha and Anatta - and how this understanding leads to freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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