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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-01-23 Méditation guidée sur la fugacité 13:24
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2013-01-23 Instructions and Suggestions for Lying Meditation 14:00
Andrea Fella
Instructions and suggestions for exploring meditation in the lying posture. This talk was recorded by a retreatant, and the quality is variable.
Vipassana Hawai'i Mindfulness of Mind in Oahu

2013-01-22 Reliable Refuge 39:13
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2013-01-22 Dependent Origination 19:25:54
Rodney Smith
Dependent Origination is the formative way that self and other arises in the world. When we look deeply at each of these twelve links we only discover emptiness and stillness. The question arises, how have we deceived ourselves to believe we and the world are formed and substantial? The answer the Buddha tells us is because we do not really look at all. We simply assume causes from previous conditions; we let our past decide the present. When we look, we see through this pretense into a world of mystery.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2013-01-22 Dependent Origination: Causality 60:56
Rodney Smith
Dependent Origination is the way the Buddha understood the arising of individuated forms in the world. The question D.O. attempts to answer is how the world and the sense-of-self come into existence. That is, what are the causal conditions of separation? Why do we see the world as we see it? The first two talks in this series are overviews of the sequential unfolding of D.O. and the remaining talks examine each of the twelve individual link within this chain. Conditioned causality is the fact that many conditions conspire to allow a single internal or external event to arise. Western thought usually focuses on a single cause, but with increased insight we see that causal factors are limitless. No one person or one event "made us angry," the whole universe was the reason that anger arose.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Dependent Origination

2013-01-21 20 Years of Dharma at Spirit Rock 54:57
Heather Sundberg
Heather's personal story of 20 years of practice at Spirit Rock, including teachings on the 4 Noble Truths, Lovingkindness and daily life practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2013-01-21 Emotional Intelligence (January Talk) 68:50
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara TiE at Innovation Pavilion

2013-01-20 Loving The House That Ego Built, Part 2 60:05
Howard Cohn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-01-20 Loving The House That Ego Built, Part 1 1:30:31
Howard Cohn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-01-20 Sutta Study Class: The Honeyball Sutta (part 2) 1:12:27
Guy Armstrong
MN 18
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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