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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-07-07 Paramis 62:35
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Awareness

2012-07-07 Guided Meditation and Short Chanting Session 29:56
Catherine McGee
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

2012-07-07 Instructions on Open Awareness and Guided Meditation 49:41
Kirsten Kratz
This recording also includes Catherine McGee
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

2012-07-07 Question and Session 63:35
Yanai Postelnik
This talk also includes Catherine McGee and Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

2012-07-06 Awareness as a Lifestyle 59:26
Steve Armstrong
Awareness as a Lifestyle
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Awareness

2012-07-06 Experiencing The Dharma 55:35
Bhante Khippapanno
How to experience the Dharma and its benefits.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-07-06 On Unconditional Friendliness, Concentration and Other Things 66:48
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight A Soft and Radical Transformation of the Heart: a Metta Retreat

2012-07-06 Instructions on Working with Thought 48:10
Catherine McGee
This recording also includes Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

2012-07-06 Guided Meditation on Loving Kindness Towards All Phenomena 41:59
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

2012-07-06 Turning To Our Nature 60:42
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Lovingkindness and Insight Meditation

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