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Dharma Talks
2022-01-19 Week 2 - Dharma Talk: Exploring Friendliness & Well-Wishing - Metta 64:33
Kirsten Kratz
Includes Guided Meditation and Instructions for Inquiry Practice
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-12 Liberation Is a Careful, Everyday, Process 37:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Of all the things to be sensitive about, the most urgent and important, is to know how you’re activated and to calm the citta saṇkhāra. We get morphed by what we plug into, so unplug and let go of the unskillful, and plug into what’s necessary for calming and steadying. It takes time for citta to get it. Keep making an effort with friendliness, aligning everything in our lives to support this present awareness.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice

2021-07-14 Guided Meditation - The capacity to be here 9:00
Willa Thaniya Reid
Taking care with what we connect with, with that which supports our capacity to be here – grounded, present, receptive. Guard from anything that takes us away from the fullness of citta. In this place we keep meeting whatever is arising with qualities of friendliness and welcome, everything belongs. From that place of welcome, response happens. Love meets love.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-12 The Mettā Sutta and Things as Process 32:57
Willa Thaniya Reid
When we cultivate and sustain the deep friendliness and well-wishing described in the Mettā Sutta, a certain clarity starts to arise – one recognizes the shifting nature of everything, arising dependent on conditions. The upright heart grounded in love allows us to be present to what is. The grip of certainty softens and the tendency towards fixed views falls away.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-11 Establishing Path Factors 43:47
Willa Thaniya Reid
Returning to sitting, supporting citta to settle and open, we give it skillful things it can be in touch with – breathing, the heart medicines. Understanding the power of perception and feeling, we place attention carefully, bringing qualities of welcome, availability, friendliness – guarding against what is harmful and afflicting. Just knowing, body feels like this, citta feels like this.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-11 Standing Meditation - Keeping this Embodied Reference 20:21
Willa Thaniya Reid
Guidance for transitioning to standing, staying present, letting uprightness establish itself. Keeping the quality of opening, meeting what is here with love and friendliness, letting breath wash any strain away.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-11 Taking care of the citta, putting down what is unhelpful, attuning to what is helpful 43:02
Willa Thaniya Reid
In this cultivation we’re deepening our understanding of the heart that is at home. The soothing and relaxing quality of breathing supports citta to meet whatever arises. With qualities of love, friendliness and compassion, attune to cause and effect, putting down what brings agitation and contraction, and aligning to what brings well-being.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-10 Guided Meditation - Trusting the Process 10:06
Willa Thaniya Reid
Establishing uprightness of mind, heart and body - ground and feel ourselves here. With friendliness and non-contention, opening and attuning to what’s here, establishing presence with the way things are.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-01-10 Our Training in Cultivating Metta: An Overview 55:07
Donald Rothberg
Practicing metta is an ancient vocation in which we incline toward metta, toward a warm, expansive friendliness, each moment. In doing so, we also come to see what gets in the way of metta. A metta retreat offers us a focused period of training, helping us then to bring our metta more into our formal practice, our daily lives, and a world deeply in need of metta. Yet there are challenges in metta practice. We also identify a number of these challenges, and how responses to the challenges point to some of the fundamental ways that training in metta transforms us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat

2020-09-17 Dharma Talk 61:27
Christina Feldman
This recording also includes Chris Cullen. The importance and practical cultivation of friendliness, joyfulness, compassion and equanimity.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

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