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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2019-12-22 The First Jhana, and Playing and Working in (and out of) any Jhana 1:30:25
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Practising the Jhānas

2019-12-22 It’s the Tone that Counts 62:25
Ajahn Sucitto
The habituated ways of the personality – craving to become good enough, burdened with self-criticism and fear – won’t bring about liberation. Citta, that which can be liberated, becomes available when the tone of our lives is warm, encouraging, compassionate. Relax the doing and tune into the receptive. The theme of practice is to feel comfortable.
Uttama Bodhi Vihara :  Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto

2019-12-22 Opening to the Way it is as Refuge - Meditation 32:48
Mark Nunberg
Guided meditation with chanting
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2019-12-22 Opening to the Way it is as Refuge - Talk 38:30
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2019-12-22 The Only Resolution Is Letting Go 51:07
Ajahn Sucitto
We live in an options culture, we’re used to getting our own way. We repeatedly give in to rāga, passions. Not the passions of liking things, but of feeling deeply stirred and agitated. In Dhamma practice, rather than adjusting the world to suit us, we adjust citta to form a harmonious, non-attached relationship to phenomena. This is how we develop pāramī.
Uttama Bodhi Vihara :  Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto

2019-12-21 Q&A 3 69:00
Ajahn Sucitto
Body scanning; stuck areas; mental proliferation; ‘commander’ and ‘do-er’ aspects of mind; appropriate objects of meditation; thoughts that arise during ānāpānasati; dealing with hinderances; restlessness
Uttama Bodhi Vihara :  Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto

2019-12-21 Developing Piti, Developing Focus, Developing Wellbeing 1:28:44
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Practising the Jhānas

2019-12-21 Insight Ways of Looking, Other Energy Body Possibilities, and Summarized Instructions 49:33
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Practising the Jhānas

2019-12-21 Dawn of the Liberating Path - Accomplishment in Careful Attention 17:16
Shaila Catherine
The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, so developing certain qualities prepares us for fully engaging in our practice of the Noble Eightfold Path. Seven of these qualities are taught in the Magga Samyutta (SN 45:49-90): good friends, and the accomplishments in virtue, desire, self, view, diligence, and careful attention. This series of brief talks, Shaila Catherine introduces each of these qualities and illuminates how their development can support our path to liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2019 at IMS - Forest Refuge
In collection: Dawn of the Liberating Path - Accomplishments

2019-12-21 Skillful Means for Handling Dukkha 56:38
Ajahn Sucitto
Citta is alternately translated as mind, heart and awareness. We use skillful means to apply these three aspects appropriately, for handling dukkha and understanding how it’s generated.
Uttama Bodhi Vihara :  Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto

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