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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-04-11 How to Retreat at Home 56:14
Mark Nunberg
Instructions and a guided meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-04-11 Day 1 Instructions - Welcoming Body in a Spacious Awareness 54:31
Nathan Glyde
Supporting steadiness, openness, and dedication in our practice. Via a spread and open awareness that is intentionally receiving–inviting–the present body sensations into the spacious awareness. Our dedication is to stay steady with it, and to re-open and re-invite, when our attention, naturally, moves away. All of this is done with a gentle atmosphere of metta–kindness.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-11 Lightly Guided Meditation 40:22
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Embodying Open-hearted Wisdom

2020-04-10 Opening Talk - Metta and Emptiness 39:19
Nathan Glyde
Introducing the main concept of this retreat: sankhara-fabrication. In particular the insight that experience is 'made up' from an object in attention and an atmosphere of attention. The latter we could call the way of relating, or way of looking (as Rob Burbea teaches it). We can pay attention to different objects, and that affects expereince. We can also develop ('bhavana' = cultivate) other atmospheres or modes of attending.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-10 09 Right Speech, Action and Livelihood 22:33
Bhante Bodhidhamma
How they all belong to a feedback loop to Right View and Right Attitude. How they are all starting points for practice.
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-04-10 The four brahma viharas. 58:06
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Forest Refuge April Retreat Online

2020-04-10 Liberating Teachings of the Buddha - 4 58:18
Kim Allen
A four-part sutta study class (part 2 was not recorded)
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-04-09 talk: the relevance of mudita, gratitude or appreciation during difficult times 23:28
Jill Shepherd
An exploration of the role of mudita, appreciative joy and gratitude, as a support for equanimity during challenging times. Includes quotes from an interview with Rebecca Solnit on hope
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-04-09 meditation: mindfulness of breathing, then gratitude at end 26:33
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by settling into the body and the breath, then towards the end, orienting to mudita, appreciative joy or gratitude for a few minutes
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-04-09 Satipatthana Series, Class 5 1:30:52
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

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