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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-04-20 Questions and Answers 66:29
Heather Martin
with Pascal Auclair
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Meditation Retreat with Pascal Auclair and Heather Martin

2018-04-20 Lecture 13 1:21:54
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 13 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2018-04-20 Evening Session Day 1: Generosity/Renunciation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 2:11:39
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dedicated Practitioners Program Six; Retreat #3

2018-04-20 Instructions and Talk 34:19
Heather Martin
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Meditation Retreat with Pascal Auclair and Heather Martin

2018-04-20 The Role of Presence in Communication 22:15
Oren Jay Sofer
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindful Communication: How to Create Real Dialogue & Healthy Relationships

2018-04-20 What is Real Dialogue? 34:39
Oren Jay Sofer
A brief exploration of "real dialogue" and the Buddha's teachings on Right Speech.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindful Communication: How to Create Real Dialogue & Healthy Relationships

2018-04-20 Guided Meditation: Settling and Arriving 16:10
Oren Jay Sofer
A short, simple meditation to arrive and settle, ending with a guided reflection on intention.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindful Communication: How to Create Real Dialogue & Healthy Relationships

2018-04-19 "Clear Comprehension Part 1" 51:40
James Baraz
In the Satipatthana Sutta (MN#10), the Buddha's discourse on mindfulness, the Buddha instruct's us to contemplate mindfully, ardent and clearly comprehending each of the four foundations. "Clear comprehension" also translated as "clearly knowing" includes four areas of context for our mindfulness practice. In this talk the first two aspects of Clear Comprehension are explored: "Clear Comprehension of Purpose" and "Clear Comprehension of Suitability of Action."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2018-04-19 The Boundless Nature of the Heart 60:32
Heather Martin
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Meditation Retreat with Pascal Auclair and Heather Martin

2018-04-19 Instructions and Talk 33:25
Pascal Auclair
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Meditation Retreat with Pascal Auclair and Heather Martin

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