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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-09-08 The Feeling of Kindness and Goodwill - Guided Meditation 43:50
Nathan Glyde
A mettā practice
SanghaSeva Feeling Freedom

2024-09-08 Feeling the Story and Stepping Out of the Stream 50:22
Zohar Lavie
Hindrances, Vedanā, and Reactivity, and How it Feels to Feel, and to Free
SanghaSeva Feeling Freedom

2024-09-08 Meditation Instruction: Sense Door Contact 60:32
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Feeling Freedom

2024-09-07 Arriving and Meeting - Guided Meditation 30:59
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Feeling Freedom

2024-09-07 Opening Talk - Feeling Freedom 25:12
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Feeling Freedom

2024-09-07 The Three Characteristics: Anicca (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:58
Pamela Weiss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Doorway to Freedom and Peace: The Three Characteristics

2024-09-07 Fabrications of mind – a Refuge? 0:00
Pascal Auclair
(Recording not available) 
Instructions and stories and mind creations, followed by a meditation and a Q&A
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

2024-09-06 The Three Characteristics: Anatta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:35:31
Erin Treat
This talk explores the paradox of being somebody and being nobody through the Buddha's teaching of anatta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Doorway to Freedom and Peace: The Three Characteristics

2024-09-06 Lessening suffering 54:21
Pascal Auclair
How remarkable it is that mindfulness helps us investigate reality and how we relate to it starting from the building blocks of our experience
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

2024-09-06 Feeling tone – cracking the code of reality. Learning about "vedana" pleasant, unpleasant, neutral our habitual reactivity to each, and practices to be free. 59:14
Anushka Fernandopulle
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

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