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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-10-31 Short talk: Halloween reflections 16:27
Jill Shepherd
What haunts you, and what helps you face fear?
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings

2024-10-31 Supports for Continuity 57:51
Andrea Fella
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2024-10-31 Ce que révèle une présence sage 58:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight

2024-10-31 Ce moi qui semble au centre de tout 18:00
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight

2024-10-31 Maranasati Practice Instructions, Arising & Passing (Day 3) (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:04
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death (Maraṇasati)

2024-10-31 Ce qu’est un phénomène et comment en faire l’expérience en pleine conscience 53:21
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight

2024-10-30 Metta for Neutral Persons 53:31
Jaya Rudgard
Short Reflections and guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2024-10-30 Letting Go to Befriend Death (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:11
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death (Maraṇasati)

2024-10-30 Dauerhaftigkeit – der zweite Irrtum 43:53
Renate Seifarth
Unsere Wahrnehmungsverarbeitung lässt den Eindruck einer dauerhaftigen Welt entstehen. Zementiert wird dieser Eindruck durch unser Haften an unserer Vergangenheit und unseren Vorstellungen von der Zukunft.
Seminarhaus Engl :  Vipassana und Metta Retreat

2024-10-30 Mature Love or There In the Middleness 54:22
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings. Medicine song (ikaro) by Manari Ushigua.
Aloka Earth Room

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