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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-12-21 Morning Reflection: Winter Solstice: Cosmic, elemental, and personal 19:22
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-21 Chanting + A Reflection on Joy 40:39
Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-20 How to Work with the Hindrances 57:15
Devon Hase
Stories and teachings on working with Nivaranas - they are not hindrances if we know them with mindfulness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light

2024-12-20 The Brahma Viharas: The Importance of Joy 49:54
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-20 Chanting 40:39
Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-20 2 Kinds of Wisdom 61:12
Pascal Auclair
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-20 Chanting and Meditation Part 2 56:21
Ayya Anandabodhi
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-20 Chanting and Meditation Part 1 1:27:20
Ayya Anandabodhi
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-20 Practicing with Mind-States and Emotions 60:00
Tara Mulay
Guided Meditation on practicing with mind-states, both wholesome and unwholesome.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-19 Letting Go of Obstacles to Love 41:47
Pascal Auclair
Metta stories, guided meditations...and sending well wishes to hyppopotamus.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

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