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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-02-21 Kindness rooted in love 48:44
Oren Jay Sofer
What is Metta? How do we experience it? How do we strengthen it?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat

2024-02-21 Devotion to the Sacred (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:44
James Baraz
Although devotion plays a significant role in Monastic Communities and Tibetan practices it is not something often discussed in lay communities. Yet devotion can be a major source of inspiration which can fuel our practice. How can we access it and have it moisten our sincerity of motivation?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month

2024-02-21 Using a communal form 18:18
Ajahn Sucitto
A retreat is a practice container that emphasizes cooperation and presence in a steady and communal form.
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat :  Cultivating the Empty Field

2024-02-21 Transforming the Judgmental Mind 1 68:12
Donald Rothberg
We frame the session in terms of there being three main inter-related aims of our practice: (1) developing wisdom and insight, (2) cultivating the kind heart and compassion, and (3) acting skillfully and ethically in all the parts of our life. In this context, it's interesting that having insight can still be connected with reactivity; it's possible to be both "right" and see something clearly, and be obnoxious. We look at one major way in which insight can be enmeshed with reactivity--what I call "the judgmental mind." We first clarify how "judgment" in English is ambiguous, sometimes meaning judgmental, sometimes meaning discerning without reactivity. The judgmental mind combines typically some kind of noticing, insight, observation, etc. with reactivity, and the key to transforming the judgmental mind is to work through the reactivity, using multiple tools. The last part of the talk outlines our major tools for transforming the judgmental mind, and invites next week's practice. We then have a discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-02-20 Questions and Responses 68:46
Bernat Font, Ven Canda Bhikkhuni
The teachers read out and respond to anonymous questions from retreatants.
Gaia House Enjoying the Path

2024-02-20 Practicing with Difficult Emotions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:17
Tara Mulay
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month

2024-02-20 Pourquoi pratiquer la méditation? 56:28
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Une douce et profonde transformation du coeur

2024-02-20 Closing Session 1:28:50
Ariya B. Baumann
Onward practice in daily life, sharing round, practical information, dedication and sharing of merits. Ayya Virañani & Ariya Baumann
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 10th Annual Metta Retreat 2024 - Part 2

2024-02-20 Wise Effort 40:58
Chas DiCapua
Cultivating a receptive awareness with a light touch. Understanding the part intention plays in right effort
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2024

2024-02-20 Éphémère moment de conscience 64:33
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Une douce et profonde transformation du coeur

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