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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-12-07 Morning Reflections: the Buddha's advice to Bahiya 12:34
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-06 Spiritual Joy 25:18
Ayya Medhanandi
Giving our full attention inwardly is waking up to the truth of pure presence. In one breath, one moment of pure awareness, we can know a spiritual joy that deeply calms the mind. The shutters of the heart open to a piercing clarity that cuts through the blinding deceptions of the world. Here in the silence at the very core of our being, we listen. The heart fills with joy and light, resplendent – just as the morning sun emerging from the horizon lights up the world. What we have been seeking far and wide is right here within us – seeing and knowing our true nature as it really is, we receive the gift of Unconditional Love
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2024-12-06 Patience 39:33
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-05 talk: Pleasure and enjoyment on the path part 3 27:12
Jill Shepherd
Looking at two common reactions to pleasant sense-based experiences: clinging or anxiety; and the Buddha's crucial distinction between sense-based pleasures, which tend to reinforce clinging, and the mental pleasure that comes from cultivating skilful mind-states
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings

2024-12-05 Maybe it's Not Metta! Using Equanimity + Compassion to work with Difficult Folks (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:29
Leslie Booker
The goal of offering metta for a difficult person, is not to change their behavior, but to make sure our hearts don't get colonized by the 3 poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. And for many of us, it's not Metta that is the gateway, but equanimity and compassion. After a 15 minute silent meditation, Booker sings Loosen by Ally Halpert as a lullaby.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

2024-12-05 Metta as Refuge (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:27
Leslie Booker
A response to where we are in this time in our history when everything might seem a bit topsy turvy and upside down. The political commentator Melissa Harris Perry refers to this kind of confusion as trying to stand up straight in a crooked room. Many of us have been secluding, isolating, putting up walls as armour, as protection - in order to not feel the full catastrophe. Many of us are here because we’re ready to lay that armour down, to engage with life and be alive again. And so this afternoons reflections will be on how we can rest in Metta as refuge.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

2024-12-04 Meditation: Relaxing Back into Full Presence 23:24
Tara Brach
This guided practice begins with a conscious breath that relaxes the body and mind, and then a body scan to awaken to the aliveness of the present moment. We then open into the natural awareness that includes the changing flow of sounds, feelings and sensations, and practice “relaxing back” when the mind gets lost in thought.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-12-04 A Heart that is Ready for Anything – The Gateway of Equanimity – Part I 45:01
Tara Brach
In a world where the pace and magnitude of change is beyond anything ever experienced by humans, we are being called to cultivate the qualities of calm, inner balance and a steady, wise heart. These two talks look at the conditioning that fuels our emotional reactivity, and the practices that cultivate equanimity, resilience and a full, openhearted presence. We dedicate to these practices for the sake of our own freedom, and the wellbeing of all beings.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-12-04 'I Don't Know' Is a Powerful Point of Departure 53:06
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings.
Aloka Earth Room

2024-12-04 Vedana - Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:56
Leslie Booker
Vedana, the second foundation of mindfulness, is our simplest response to an experience; a raw effect of an emotion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

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