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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-02-02 Faith 44:51
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2007-02-01 Introduction to Mindfulness, Week 3 49:36
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2007-02-01 The Practice of Compassion 1:25:46
Rob Burbea
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)

2007-01-31 Mindfulness And Papanca - part 2 57:37
Donald Rothberg
We focus, in this record of two talks, on the nature of Papanca or “conceptual proliferation” its roots in compulsive craving and aversion, and a number of different ways to work skillfully with Papanca.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-01-31 Anatta - NotSelf 66:07
John Peacock
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)

2007-01-30 Dependent Origination And Love 1:26:30
John Peacock
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)

2007-01-29 Eight Fold Noble Path - Part 2 5:56
Sayadaw U Lakkhana
Given at Kyaswa Monastery in the Sagaing Hills of Burma. Translated by Jake Davis. Year is correct, exact date unknown.
Vipassana Hawai'i

2007-01-28 Tanha and Transformation 44:10
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2007-01-28 Eight Fold Noble Path - Part 1 11:19
Sayadaw U Lakkhana
Given at Kyaswa Monastery in the Sagaing Hills of Burma. Translated by Jake Davis. Year is correct, exact date unknown.
Vipassana Hawai'i

2007-01-27 From Insight to Love 1:19:07
Rob Burbea
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)

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