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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1999-08-17 Inquiry 62:22
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-17 Resting In The Ground Of Being 36:07
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-17 Dukkha And Its Arising 40:56
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

1999-08-16 Supports And Obstructions And Easeful Presence 42:18
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-16 Bodhisattva 51:32
Jack Kornfield

1999-08-16 Five Spiritual Faculties: Effort 61:00
Steve Armstrong
Arousing energy for the balanced cultivation of awareness. Steady, precise and continuous: the energy of an awakened mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collections: Five Spiritual Faculties, Right Effort

1999-08-15 The Core Teachings 50:28
Christopher Titmuss
what is our relationship to lifestyle, money and living wisely?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-15 Inquiry 58:16
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-15 Encountering Profound Obstacles On The Path 39:43
Arinna Weisman
Ways to work with our difficulties and pain in the meditation practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-08-13 Faith Inspired Women 59:30
Kamala Masters
Stories often inspire us to keep going, especially when our spiritual path gets rough. These simple stories are of women of different time periods, who continued through great challenges because of their unshakable faith.
Maui, Hi

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