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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2004-03-10 Renunciation: Choosing Freedom 1:28:35
Lila Kate Wheeler
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2004-03-10 Chapter 6 - The Life & Teachings Of The Buddha 57:02
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2004-03-09 Taking Leave Of The World 60:17
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2004-03-07 Sharing Of Merit 42:38
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2004-03-07 The Still, Knowing Centre Of The World 52:16
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2004-03-07 Old Age, Illness & Death 58:07
Sarah Doering
Aging, illness and death have been called treasures for those who understand them. For in facing their issues and learning how to die we are in fact learning how to live.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2004 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2004-03-06 Studying The Teaching; Studying Ourselves, Examples From The Anapanasati Sutta Part 4 52:03
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2004-03-06 Mindfulness of Feeling 53:28
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2004-03-05 Satipatthana & Inclining The Mind 62:22
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2004-03-05 From Judging To Spacious Mind 45:51
Sharda Rogell
The judging mind wants to dictate our reality. Once this is accessed, spacious mind opens.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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