Beginning with a brief overview of the five training precepts (Di), then connecting to our retreat aspirations, relinquishment of mobile phones and some relational practice exploring dāna as a support for Wise Effort (Jill)
Online Dharma Hall session including guided meditation and Dharma talk on the theme of the interwinding co-creating aspects of appreciation, gratitude, and joy.
How taking refuge in the natural environment of Te Moata, together with the support of sangha, helps strengthen mindfulness and investigation, which lead to freedom of heart and mind
This is the only moment there is! This is your life Now! What happens if you give yourself to that truth? What happens is we let go of everything else except Being here right now. We discover the magic of reality revealing itself in this moment. To love the moment includes all the variants of love: liking, appreciating, caring for, wondering about, become enthralled or magnetized by, curious about & illuminated by Now.