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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-08-30 16 instructios: mindfulness of hearing 11:45
Jill Shepherd
Opening up the field of awareness from breathing, to physical sensations to receiving sounds
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-30 17 meditation: mindfulness of hearing 29:55
Jill Shepherd
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-30 Reflections and Guided Meditation 55:11
Jenny Wilks
Calming the Body and Mind.
Gaia House Meditation Day: A Deeper Calm than Stillness

2022-08-30 18 instructions: mindfulness of mindfulness 6:50
Jill Shepherd
Bringing awareness to the quality of mindfulness itself, and changing to different "styles" of mindfulness to help the mind stay balanced.
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-30 Reflections and Guided Meditation 45:51
Jenny Wilks
Seeing Clearly.
Gaia House Meditation Day: A Deeper Calm than Stillness

2022-08-30 Reflections and Guided Meditation 55:53
Jenny Wilks
A Deeper Calm, Based on Insight.
Gaia House Meditation Day: A Deeper Calm than Stillness

2022-08-30 Keeping the Practice Simple - Talk and short Meditation 60:53
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2022-08-30 Satipatthana: Die Kontemplation des Körpers 58:34
Yuka Nakamura
Achtsamkeit auf den Körper ist eine wichtige Grundlage der gesamten Praxis. Sie fördert die Entwicklung von Achtsamkeit, Sammlung und Einsicht. Im Vortrag werden drei Satipatthana-Kontemplationen über den Körper vorgestellt: Anatomische Teile, Elemente und Sterblichkeit.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2022-08-30 21 talk: Working with Afflictive Thought Patterns 46:52
Jill Shepherd
Exploring common afflictive thought-patterns such as lack mind, comparing mind and the inner critic, and orienting to wisdom and compassion to help them release
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-31 22 instructions: mindfulness of mind 15:13
Jill Shepherd
Bringing awareness to mental activity: thoughts, emotions, moods and mind-states, and training in knowing the process of thinking without getting involved in the content of the thoughts
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

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