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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-01-12 Guided Meditation - Noticing Awareness 36:18
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2023-01-12 04 Zoom Q&A Group B 2:42:02
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Retreat with Sayadaw U Tejaniya

2023-01-12 Through tedium to liberation 47:30
Ajahn Sucitto
Persistent mindfulness through changing conditions reveals portals to liberation: Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks

2023-01-12 Motivation from the Heart: The Place of Devotion in our Practice 53:50
James Baraz
Devotion is not a topic often spoken of in our Buddhist community. Yet it plays a significant role in monastic communities and Tibetan practices. The Buddha spoke of Saddha, one's heartfelt connection to practice as one of the Five Spiritual Faculties and Powers. Devotion can be a major source of inspiration which can fuel our practice. How can we access it and have it moisten and bring juice to our practice - even for those not naturally inclined that way.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-01-12 Mindfulness: Sati's friends and many facets 63:31
Akincano Marc Weber
History of the term. Sati - Appamada - Sampajañña, images of sati, psychological functions of sati.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches

2023-01-12 Dharma Talk - To Be Honest (Sacca, Pāramī) 44:04
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2023-01-12 Day 2 Compassion and Self Compassion, A Wise Response (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:51
Beth Sternlieb
Practicing kindness in every moment, responding with compassion, as the path of awakening
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat: Cultivating the Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2023-01-13 Self-Compassion 1:16:35
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat: Cultivating the Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2023-01-13 Choiceless awareness 59:40
Christiane Wolf
Guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches

2023-01-13 Mindful Movement & Meditation Instructions - Non-Satisfactory - Upekkhā Practice 1:16:17
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

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