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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-05-12 Liberation teachings for daily life 1:10:42
Joseph Goldstein
The challenge for us as laypeople practicing the dharma is to connect with the depth of the Buddha’s teachings on liberation in the midst of our daily life activities. This talk offers both a theoretical framework and practical exercises for putting these teachings into practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening

2023-05-12 Not Yet Titled 64:09
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma and Recovery

2023-05-12 The anchor is everywhere 29:58
Matthew Brensilver
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spring Insight

2023-05-12 Truth or Thought? 64:31
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight A Heart that Resonates

2023-05-12 Introduction the retreat (Friday) 4:35
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-12 Metta Meditation (Friday) 13:20
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-12 The interrelationship between the four heart practices (Friday) 17:41
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-12 Five topics for frequent recollection 53:17
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2023

2023-05-12 GM 16:21
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2023-05-12 Q&A 40:47
Ajahn Sucitto
00:18 Whenever I tell someone about my worries or problems I'll be told to think positive. Does positive thinking accord with the teaching of the buddha? 06:16 I've been practicing with the satipatana sutta, establishing mindfulness. Often I get confused with the words "externally and internally" parts of the awareness practice. Can you help please? 24:37 I'm working on opening, meeting and releasing with the sympathetic attitude. I've noticed some joy and yet in unexpected circumstances I've become defensive and angry and this leads to shame. What do you advise? 30:50 If I can't get to a center where there is a more authentically embodied practice, could I practice with traditions that are more disembodied? 33:20 You mentioned the Great Forty sutta ( regarding the basis of samadhi. Surely it needs the five precepts to be steadfast in right view etc? 37:44 As individuals we have creative potential, skills etc. Do we invite that unique particularity to manifest in our lives?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

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