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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-05-14 Letting Go of the Unwholesome 32:19
Ayya Santussika
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Becoming a Noble Disciple: Cultivating the Mind and Life of the Ariyasāvako

2023-05-14 Appreciative Joy – Muditā (Sunday) 15:46
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-14 Guided Appreciative Joy Practice (Sunday) 18:24
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-14 Equanimity – Upekkha (Sunday) 13:39
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-14 Guided Breathing Meditation 37:47
Ayya Santussika
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Becoming a Noble Disciple: Cultivating the Mind and Life of the Ariyasāvako

2023-05-14 Guided Equanimity Practice (Sunday) 21:12
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-14 Closing Dedication (Sunday) 1:35
Jill Shepherd
London Insight Meditation Jill Shepherd – Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life

2023-05-14 There's No Going Back 58:45
Carol Cano
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2023-05-14 What's the problem? (Meditation) 12:11
Mark Nunberg
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-05-14 What's the problem? (Talk) 51:18
Mark Nunberg
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

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