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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1996-10-20 Two Kinds of Love 50:10
Sarah Doering
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1996-10-20 Meditación Y Vida Cotidiana 41:21
Jose Reissig
meditation and daily life
Guadalajara, Mexico

1996-10-19 Side A: Instrucciones Para La Meditación Side B: La Intimidad Es Por Dentrofuera 51:50
Jose Reissig
Side A: "Meditation Instructions" includes an introduction that compares our habitual way of being in the world with abiding in awareness; plus sitting and walking instructions. Side B: intimacy is an inner/outer thing.
Guadalajara, Mexico

1996-10-18 Pongamos Fin A La Fabricacion Incesante Del Yo 32:45
Jose Reissig
"Let's put an end to the relentless fabrication of self."
Guadalajara, Mexico

1996-10-14 Paramabodhi-Buddhist Movement in India 66:41
Jack Kornfield

1996-10-12 Desire 53:31
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1996-10-10 Working with Aversion 65:37
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1996-10-06 The Five Spiritual Powers 48:30
Sarah Doering
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1996-10-06 Renunciation, Kindness, And Freedom 54:12
Michele McDonald
Understanding the kindness that comes with renunciation (letting go), and how this leads to freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1996 Three Month Retreat

1996-10-05 Teachings Of Non-Clinging 44:47
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

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