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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1991-12-01 The Poetry Commentaries #4A: "Love And Other Difficulties" By Rilke 46:57
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: The Poetry Commentaries

1991-12-01 The Poetry Commentaries #4: "The Poetry Of City Life" 41:24
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: The Poetry Commentaries

1991-12-01 The Poetry Commentaries 5:33:04
Christopher Titmuss
This collection of poetry honors the lives, work and relevancy of several poets and their poems to our relationship with ourselves and the world at large.

1991-11-30 Right Intention 53:23
Carol Wilson
expanding our willingness to practice into a willingness to greet all of life's situations in equal measure

1991-11-28 Heart Of Gratefulness 59:46
Michele McDonald
allowing the tremendous sharing and universal reciprocity of all life to touch our heart of gratefulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1991 Three Month Retreat

1991-11-27 Anapanasati: Full Awareness of Breath Series - Tape 1 1:27:30
Larry Rosenberg
These 17 talks (one talk per tape) are a complete teaching on the 16 contemplations of meditation with the breath. All tapes combine questions and answers with a talk or a guided meditation.
In collection: Anapanasati: Full Awareness of Breath Series

1991-11-26 Guided Meditation: Equanimity 46:31
Steve Armstrong
Balanced poise in the mind is one of the divine abidings.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1991-11-24 Developing the 5 Faculties 55:01
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1991-11-24 Anger, Self Hatred & The Power of Love, Part 2 of 2 54:26
Gavin Harrison

1991-11-24 Anger, Self Hatred & The Power of Love, Part 1 of 2 51:39
Gavin Harrison

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