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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-05-01 Where the internal and external come together 42:54
Ajahn Sucitto

2024-05-01 Opening to Dharma Practice as Artistic Endeavor 35:07
Brian Lesage
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-05-01 Meditation: Open Awareness – Relaxing Back into Presence (19:23 min) 19:23
Tara Brach
This guided meditation practice brings attention to the continuous space within and around the body, and the aliveness of sound, sensation and feeling that lives through us. While it’s natural for attention to get distracted, the pathway home is a relaxing back into presence – the awake space that is aware of this changing life.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-05-01 Homecoming to Loving Awareness (retreat talk) 59:36
Tara Brach
We have strong conditioning to identify as a separate self, and to feel all the fears and attachments that arise from not realizing our true belonging. This talk includes teachings and several experiential reflections that help us wake up from the trance of separation. As we grow familiar with the awareness and love that is our shared true nature, we naturally live from that loving, and experience a growing freedom and joy. [Spring Retreat, April 2024 – Art of Living Retreat Center]
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-05-02 The Power of Collective Intelligence: The Magic in Community 48:35
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of like-minded friendship as "the whole of the spiritual life." He encouraged us to take refuge in the Sangha. What makes community so powerful? Have you ever been part of a group that felt quite magical, where it was more than merely a collection of individual members? What are the ingredients that make a group like that come together?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-05-02 Guided body scan meditation 23:11
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2024

2024-05-02 DPP7 - Three Nibbanas in Theravada 1:36:21
Tempel Smith
Spirit Rock has blessed lineage from both Ven. Ajahn Cha and Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw. From our deep connection to these traditional lineages, we can see at least three different kinds of Nibbana: 1. Nibbana for Everyone; 2. Dealthless Awareness; and 3. Complete Zero. As a maturing community of western Insight practitioners rooted in several lineages, we have the benefit of many styles of practice and Buddhist understandings. We also have the challenge of there being so many practices, and experience to where they lead. Here in this talk we explore three common understandings of Nibbana and how the various traditions guide us to them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center DPP7 Retreat #5

2024-05-03 Understanding the Generosity and Goodness of the Heart - Meditation 49:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2024-05-03 Understanding the Generosity and Goodness of the Heart - Talk 38:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2024-05-03 3 basic reminders: simplifying, knowing, caring. 40:44
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2024

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