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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-06-14 Instructions for 'Free Practice' Morning 7:03
Leela Sarti, Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart That Abides in Emptiness

2024-06-14 We are meditating to be in this world in a different way 64:11
John Peacock
London Insight Meditation John Peacock – The Cultivation of Awareness and Ethics

2024-06-14 Meditation and ethics cannot be separated 17:49
John Peacock
London Insight Meditation John Peacock – The Cultivation of Awareness and Ethics

2024-06-14 Exploring awareness of thought 54:54
Carol Wilson
Brief description of some of the ways we experience and can bring awareness to thoughts
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2024

2024-06-14 The Felt Experience 63:07
Kevin Griffin
Begins with a 30m meditation and is followed by a Dharma Talk. (The Q/A has been removed)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma and Recovery

2024-06-14 Wise effort and the inquiring mind 42:37
Michael Grady
Cultivating an attitude of open-hearted inquiry
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Practicing with a Spirit of Inquiry

2024-06-14 Mindfulness of the Body Techniques 43:44
Ayya Santussika
Based on Majjhima Nikaya 119
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-06-15 Satipatthana - internal and external 50:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-15 Mindfulness of the Body Morning Reflection 20:18
Ayya Santussika
Reading and reflection on "The Chapter on Mindfulness of the Body" AN 1.575-615
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-06-15 Disassembling and Reassembling the Body 37:57
Ayya Santussika
Taking out the parts of the body and putting them back in again - body parts contemplation.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

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