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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-06-20 Intrinsically Empty, Naturally Radiant Ceaselessly Responsive: Awareness and Compassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:23
James Baraz
Awareness is not only spacious and wakeful, compassion is also an inherent component. Expressing care to address the suffering in the world is understood to be an essential part of practice. This talk explores the greater implications of this understanding especially at this critical time of global dukkha on so many levels.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-20 Q&A 46:12
Ajahn Sucitto
00:16 Q1 I believe you said to not do concentration practices but rather to see if the breath could go deeper or have more calm. Isn't that a form of concentration? And aren't the brahma vihara a form of concentration practice? 18:26 Q2 If attention is a sankara can you suggest how one might let go of it? 29:02 Q3 Regarding the anapanadsati sutta, is it sequential? Must one follow the tetrads in order? 3818 Q4 A person relates some of their meditation experiences and asks if this is a wise reflection.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-21 Guided voice and chanting (2) 29:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn instructs on voice and breath issues and leads chanting of a refuge mantra.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-21 Touching the citta's formations 49:33
Ajahn Sucitto
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-21 Wise attention 57:59
Carol Wilson
From the Majjhima Nikaya. The Buddha offers several examples of meeting our experience with wise attention: Purifying the habits of craving and delusion
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2024

2024-06-21 Opening Talk 1:10:30
Catherine McGee, Yahel Avigur
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-21 Morning Instructions 1:18:28
Gavin Milne
The practice of radical allowing - shifting energy from that which obscures (the usual status-quo), into that which opens. An alive attitude, and the wings of awakening. The imminent experience of life through our 6 senses, as our fluid object of awareness. Continuity of kind awareness.
Gaia House Awakening in the World : Self Compassion, Whole Compassion

2024-06-21 The case for passion 62:10
Cara Lai
How passion can support us in the search towards dispassion
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Retreat – BIPOC

2024-06-21 Q&A 48:53
Ajahn Sucitto
00:00 Ajahn’s comments about retreat. 01:44 Q1 Could you offer any practice suggestions around eating? 10:55 Q2 How does designation consciousness relate to perception? 18:02 Q3 One is aware of feelings and the teaching on dependent origination. Is it possible to slow down the craving and the clinging that ensues? 24:49 Q4 How does one stay and not jump? 27:46 Q5 Is the citta a sankara? Is the purpose of practice to calm and purify the citta, which seems away of caring for life, or to uproot it and all of the khandhas which has to me a flavour of rejecting life. 37:59 Q6 I struggle with the first noble truth. Spending time with my daughter is certainly transient and structured by I-making. Buddhism says this is dukkha and seeks to change my relationship to experience or its qualities. But to me its value is intrinsic and undeniable. 42:39 Q7 Can one attain liberation or enlightenment without the knowledge of the path leading to it? What's the relationship between knowledge and wisdom?
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-22 Voice and chanting guidance (3) 31:11
Ajahn Sucitto
In this retreat Ajahn offered a series of guidance on voice production and resonant chanting.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

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