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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-06-29 Sitting Medition And Reflections Inquiry Exploration 5:38
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-29 Giving Up Greed Hatred and Delusion Part 2 of 3 29:49
Ayya Santussika
This dhamma talk, guided meditation, and Q&A was offered on June 29, 2024 for a Daylong Retreat at Karuna Buddhist Vihara Meditation Center.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2024-06-29 Practicing With Thoughts Instruction 15:57
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-29 Giving Up Greed Hatred and Delusion Part 3 of 3 28:13
Ayya Santussika
This dhamma talk, guided meditation, and Q&A was offered on June 29, 2024 for a Daylong Retreat at Karuna Buddhist Vihara Meditation Center.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2024-06-29 Dharma Talk Eightfold Path 46:46
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-29 Guided Loving Kindness Practice 22:31
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-29 Three Pillars of the Dhamma - Sila 60:10
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness, Insight and Liberation

2024-06-30 Sitting Meditation With Instructions 13:55
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-30 Practicing At Home Discussion 31:33
Chas DiCapua
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat

2024-06-30 Guided meditation 29:30
Jaya Rudgard
London Insight Meditation Jaya Rudgard – The Unshakeable Heart: Buddhist teachings for our own times

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