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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1985-08-01 Mahamalunkya Sutta: The Greater Discourse to Malunkyaputta, Part 2 58:22
Bhikkhu Bodhi
date unknown, mn64.02
Sri Lanka BPS

1985-08-01 Mahamalunkya Sutta: The Greater Discourse to Malunkyaputta, Part 1 53:08
Bhikkhu Bodhi
date unknown, mn64.01
Sri Lanka BPS

1985-07-30 Daily Life Of Spirituality 41:46
Christina Feldman
nurturing balance, understanding, and the heart in the midst of every moment; finding the essence of spirituality
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1985-07-28 Avoidance 39:39
Christina Feldman
workings with the effects of avoidance in our lives, both on ourselves and others
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1985-07-27 Spirituality In Relationship 34:46
Christina Feldman
seeing all relationships, with people and the world, as rich potential for understanding
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1985-07-17 Impermanence: The Universe As Teacher 1:30:49
Larry Rosenberg

1985-07-11 Hot Buddha/Cold Buddha 1:33:17
Larry Rosenberg

1985-07-01 Maharahulovada Sutta: The Greater Discourse of Advice to Rahula, Part 3 56:57
Bhikkhu Bodhi
date unknown, mn62.03
Sri Lanka BPS

1985-07-01 Maharahulovada Sutta: The Greater Discourse of Advice to Rahula, Part 2 57:38
Bhikkhu Bodhi
date unknown, mn62.02
Sri Lanka BPS

1985-07-01 Maharahulovada Sutta: The Greater Discourse of Advice to Rahula, Part 1 45:59
Bhikkhu Bodhi
date unknown, mn62.01
Sri Lanka BPS

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