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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-11-10 Let my Gift to Myself be Patience 53:36
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection & Guided Meditation on Earthworm Practice
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2024-11-10 Le sentier octuple, 2e partie 33:13
Pascal Auclair
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana La clarté intérieure

2024-11-10 The Place of Coolness, Part 1 - Meditation 32:23
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-11-10 The Place of Coolness, Part 1 - Talk 46:54
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-11-10 The Five Spiritual Faculties 45:17
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House November Solitary

2024-11-10 Les 4 nobles vérités 68:08
Pascal Auclair
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana La clarté intérieure

2024-11-10 Seven Factors of Awakening 60:54
Tuere Sala
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2024-11-11 Le corps et l'esprit 57:19
Pascal Auclair
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana La clarté intérieure

2024-11-11 Gathering Spiritual Resources in this moment. 43:58
Kate Munding
This is a time of gathering spiritual resources. To gather the wisdom and clarity that exists within. It's a time to tap into knowledge and strength that exists externally. Tonight will be an evening of self-compassion and an opening towards more clarity of how to meet this moment in time. Whether you are feeling energized to meet the greed, hate, and delusion that is so empowered right now, or you feel numb, tired, and defeated, this evening will guide you.
Assaya Sangha

2024-11-11 Essential Teachings for Changing Times 1:37:47
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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