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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday instruction - Unworldly Joy 53:56
Jeanne Corrigal
Instruction followed by guided meditation in connecting with various doorways to unworldly joy.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Joy: An Inner Wellspring

2024-11-16 Introduction to the Dhammapada 9:58
Christina Feldman
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada

2024-11-16 Chapter 1 of the Dhammapada 41:02
Christina Feldman
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada

2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday meditation - Guided Abiding and Radiating Joy 52:13
Jeanne Corrigal
Guided meditation in abiding and radiating joy practice.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Joy: An Inner Wellspring

2024-11-16 Chapter 1 of the Dhammapada continued 21:35
Christina Feldman
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada

2024-11-16 Chapter 12 of the Dhammapada 26:26
Christina Feldman
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada

2024-11-16 Mudita 57:39
Tuere Sala
Brief Reflections and Guided Practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2024-11-16 Joy: An Inner Wellspring: Saturday talk - The Pivotal Role of Joy in Liberation 56:07
Jeanne Corrigal
This dharma talk summarizes 3 sources of joy and emphasizes the 3rd source - the more unworldly than unworldly joy of non-clinging, liberation, awakening. Not only is joy a fruit of the practice, but also has a pivotal role in liberation, freedom in the mind and heart. This role is illuminated through exploring several maps to liberation.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Joy: An Inner Wellspring

2024-11-16 Body Scan with Loving Awareness 27:38
Devon Hase
The body is full of awareness. An exploration of metta as awareness and awareness as metta in the body.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Radiance: Exploring the Freedom of Awareness

2024-11-17 Still Flowing Water, Part 1 - Meditation 31:36
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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