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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-09-22 Pain and Compassion - Reflection Being with Body 59:37
Christiane Wolf
How we perceive the body from the inside and the outside, how mindfulness and compassion helps with physical and emotional pain.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2016-09-22 Three kinds of intention. 58:29
Sally Armstrong
To develop any skill, to fully cultivate any qualities in our lives, particularly on the Buddhist path, we need to engage with three kinds of intention that operate on different time frames. Cetana is the moment to moment intention, the urge to do, that we can bring into the field of our mindfulness practice. The next level, Adhitthana, is usually translated as resolve or determination, and is one of the paramis. The highest level is Samma Sankappa, usually translated as right or wise intention. This is the second path factor, after right view, so it is the kind of intention developed by right view. There are three kinds of Right intention - the intention towards renunciation, non-ill will, and non-harming. These skillful intentions can then inform our choices and actions (Adhitthanas) , which we keep in mind through awareness of moment to moment intentions, or cetana.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 1

2016-09-22 "The Issue of Othering" 58:04
James Baraz
Dedicated to the memory of Bob Kaneko, a dharma friend who recently passed away. As a child Bob spent years 4-8 in a Japanese Internment camp in California,1942-1946. This talk explores how easily we humans can unfairly treat and oppress those different from us. We see this daily in the media with hateful rhetoric stirring fears in many. How can we use practice to skillfully respond?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2016-09-22 Une pleine conscience protectrice et révélatrice, retraite à Rimouski 58:50
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2016-09-22 Instructional Practice: Large Intestines, Small Intestines, Stomach, Feces, Brain 44:48
Bob Stahl
Meditation on the body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2016-09-22 Instructional Practice: Heart, Liver, Diaphragm, Spleen, Lung 57:13
Mary Grace Orr
Meditations on the Body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2016-09-22 Morning instructions on mindful seeing 43:45
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 1

2016-09-21 What's Your Itinerary? Where are You Going? 52:12
Mary Grace Orr
We all have itineraries, made up for us by others, some created by ourselves. How can we be free of them?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2016-09-21 Instructional Practice: Head Hair, Body Hair, Nails, Teeth, Skin 60:10
Bob Stahl
Meditation on 1st group of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2016-09-21 Liberation- Think in a New Way 1:57:56
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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