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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-06-01 Morning Guided Meditation 26:03
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Gaia House Dhamma Everywhere

2015-06-01 Morning Reflection - Mindfulness Of Knowing 16:39
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2015-05-31 Pure Exploration Leads Us To Wise Attention and Friendliness With Each Moment and All Beings - Part 3 60:51
Michele McDonald
Understanding impermanence and kindness by cultivating the soil of silence, compassion and truth
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2015-05-31 Sitting, Some Guided Reflections, Sharing of Merit 24:28
Alexis Santos
Gaia House Dhamma Everywhere

2015-05-31 Samadhi 56:56
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2015-05-31 Practice Of Wise Conversation 12:07
Gregory Kramer
Instruction for Mindful Conversation Exercise In Dining Hall; Wisdom / "Do I Believe My Thoughts And Actions Have Results?"
Insight Dialogue Community (Samish Island Campground) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-05-31 Guided Equanimity Brahmavihara 43:32
Rebecca Bradshaw
Introduction to the fourth Brahmavihara of equanimity and a guided meditation session with the other Brahmaviharas
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2015-05-31 Interview Groups A and B, Session Two (with priority for group B to speak) 1:45:56
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Gaia House Dhamma Everywhere

2015-05-31 Interview Groups E and F, Session One (with priority for group E to speak) 1:42:39
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Gaia House Dhamma Everywhere

2015-05-31 Morning Guided Meditation 28:52
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Gaia House Dhamma Everywhere

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