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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-09-08 Empathy 12:02
Rick Hanson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-08 Practices of Self Compassion and Inner Strength 38:36
Rick Hanson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-08 Your Loving Nature 20:44
Rick Hanson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-08 A Dharma of Love and the Natural Mind 18:28
Rick Hanson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-08 Wisdom or Knowledge? 32:18
Ayya Santacitta
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Mindfulness Care Center)

2013-09-08 Why Practice? 30:19
Ayya Anandabodhi
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Mindfulness Care Center)

2013-09-06 Introduction To The Brahma Viharas 55:37
Deborah Ratner Helzer
The back story to the metta sutta and an overview of the four sublime abidings
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating a Wise Heart: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-09-06 Samvega - Spiritual Urgency 58:44
Marcia Rose
What brings us to spiritual practice? What has moved, inspired and urged you to find a clear and wholesome "other way" than feeling overrun with old reactive habit patterns of sadness, fear, attachment, anger and confusion? Samvega is the movement of the heart - an inner response towards an urgency to practice and an urgency to awaken!
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-09-06 Morning Instructions 57:02
Deborah Ratner Helzer
Mindfulness of thoughts and mental states
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating a Wise Heart: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-09-05 Emaho!: How Amazing 52:19
James Baraz
When we look deeply into reality we see things with a fresh eye and open to the miracles that are all around us. This sense of wonder and awe helps our mindfulness practice come alive especially developing the awakening factors of investigation, energy and joy.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

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