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Dharma Talks
2013-05-19 Buddha's Birthday Inspiration and Awakening 42:36
Insight Santa Cruz

2013-05-19 What Do I Really Want? 44:03
Martin Aylward
Avoiding fixed positions and judgements about desire, Martin encourages an open inquiry into wanting. He examines the root of all desire; wanting things to be different, and explores how we can use wanting as a mirror to learn from our reflected experience. The talk points towards the deep desire to give up our endless interventions and manipulation of our experience, and discusses the freedom of undemanding, undefended, undistracted awareness.
Gaia House Right Now It's Like This...

2013-05-18 Equanimity Right Where We Are 49:10
Sharda Rogell
Equanimity is not a destination to arrive at but something we can practice right in the moment with any conditions that arise. How do we practice?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-18 Equanimity with Things As They Are 63:13
James Baraz
The quality of equanimity is a significant factor in coming to terms with impermanence and its manifestations: agin, illness and death. Learning to find balance with regard to the reality of change is explored
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging as Spiritual Opportunity: A retreat for those 55 and older

2013-05-18 Guided Equanimity Meditation 17:47
Lila Kate Wheeler
Phrases adapted from meditations by Maddy Klyne, Ken McLeod, the Reverend Howard Thurman and others.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-18 Equanimity – Introduction to Equanimity Meditation 22:52
Lila Kate Wheeler
Equanimity relinquishes the subtle attachment in the other Brahma Viharas. It is the culminating divine abode. Equanimity as an aspect of mindfulness and consciousness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-18 Apparent Here and Now 24:37
Ayya Anandabodhi
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Mindfulness Care Center)

2013-05-18 Guided Mudita Meditation 25:02
Greg Scharf
The meditation begins with the practice of opening to happiness, success, good fortune in one's own life and receiving appreciation from benefactors. We then turn this quality of gladness and connection towards the good fortune of others.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-18 Introduction to Empathetic Joy (Mudita) 16:02
Greg Scharf
A short introduction to empathetic joy (or Mudita) including a discussion of the qualities of appreciation, gratitude and empathetic connection.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Flavors of Kindness: A Retreat on the Divine Abodes

2013-05-18 Inhabiting the Body of Life 49:24
Martin Aylward
In this talk, Martin explores the ideas and images we hold of Body, the habitual ways we react to bodily experience and body image, and the tendency to relate to body as a thing rather than a process. He guides the listener through the direct experience of body as a fluid, edgeless, inconceivable unfolding, inviting us to more and more inhabit the visceral ground of all experience; the body of life.
Gaia House Right Now It's Like This...

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