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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Insight Meditation and the Heart

The way of meditation is the way of the heart. This retreat, open to both new and experienced meditators, will focus on the path of the heart, and how awareness gives access to the joys and sorrows of life with ever increasing sensitivity, stability and love. An optional period of yoga will be offered each day.

2011-03-18 (8 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2011-03-20 Distortions Of Mind 48:27
Rodney Smith
The mind configures reality into distorted images. It is our job to sort it out.
2011-03-22 Secrets Of The Mind 47:52
Rodney Smith
When the mind is no longer divided, it reveals its secrets.
2011-03-24 Questions and Answers 57:25
Rodney Smith
Probing some of the transitional dharma points.
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