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Please support Dharma Seed with a 2024 year-end gift.

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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Touching the Earth

2012-09-24 (7 days) Gaia House

2012-09-24 Arriving Here - Touching the Earth Retreat 64:58
Arriving into here and now - Blessing chants - Kittisaro, Thanissara & Jaya
2012-09-25 Rooted in Prescence 36:48
Training the heart through Samadhi & Jhana factors (morning instructions)
2012-09-25 Carried by Dharma 48:22
Refuge in Dharma - Awakening; both immediate and gradual - simple steps Mula Sutta
2012-09-26 Touching Nibbana 60:44
Mula Sutta - impermanence as gateway - the unmoving - you wont find the wise one "out there."
2012-09-26 Being Present 36:02
Skill with guiding attention - working with 3 streams of energy of body, heart & mind - What disturbs?
2012-09-27 Taste of Peace 35:11
End of creation - methods into realization of the deathless
2012-09-27 A Burning World 56:14
Beyond thought - Prajna Paramita - The Heart Sutra - Mind Set Free - A burning world - Bodhisattva heart.
2012-09-28 Dharma as Medicine 61:25
Who "knows" blesses - entering simplicity - letting go balanced by embracing - this heart is responsive.
2012-09-28 Placing the Personal Self 30:56
Take everything back to the mind - being a self - working our patterns
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