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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Being Buddha: Perfecting the Qualities of the Buddhaheart-mind

This ten month course is for those interested in understanding and cultivating the paramis, the fully cultivated mind and heart qualities of a bodhisattva, of a Buddha, of a fully awakened being. In traditional texts, the ten paramis are presented in a paticular order: generosity, virtue, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness, determination, loving kindness and equanimity.

The "requisites of enlightenment" are said to be the paramis themselves. One of the roots of the word parami conveys the sense of "supreme," thus suggesting the eminence of the qualities that must be fulfilled by a bodhisattva in the course of spiritual development. Paramita, is sometimes explained as "gone to the beyond," indicating the transcendental direction of these qualities.

The course is designed to deepen Dharma study and meditation practice in the direction of the paramis, bringing them into full focus in daily life. There will be an opportunity to work closely with Gina, delving deeply into each parami, studying and reflecting on the texts, and understanding the challenges of parami practice by putting them into practice in daily life.

The course will consist of 10 half days of study and practice together and opportunities to develop sangha relationship with fellow participants in order to create support through mutual commitments to practice. In person or telephone conferences with Gina to explore issues in practice and daily life will be available. The frequency of availability of these meetings will be determined by the number of registrants.

You will be asked to make a written commitment to fulfilling the requisites of the course, which will consist of:

1. A commitment to meditation practice every day
2. Meetings with Dharma buddies from the course
3. Journaling with respect to reflections on and experiences with the Paramis
4. Completing reading assignments and exercises
5. Bringing a spirit of curiosity and willingness with respect to practices suggested
6. Commitment to attend monthly meetings and to speak to one’s Dharma Buddy regularly
7. Practicing the first parami, dana, through supporting the program as generously as possible. This practice is essential to sustaining the program.

This course is not for beginners. Attendance at a minimum of at least 10 days (residential and/or daylongs) of silent retreat in the Vipassana tradition is a pre-requisite.

2014-01-01 (335 days) New York Insight Meditation Center

2014-07-25 Mindfulness Infused: Brahmavihāra-s for Meditators 1:44:05
Akincano Marc Weber
Mindfulness has become big. In the buzz around its importance, some of its intrinsic connections to other aspects of mind are drowned out. The talk and the daylong are designed to re-contextualise the practice of mindfulness in the light of early Buddhist psychology and contemporary approaches to meditation.
2014-07-26 Mindfulness Infused: Brahmavihāra-s for Meditators - morning session 1:24:32
Akincano Marc Weber
Mindfulness has become big. In the buzz around its importance, some of its intrinsic connections to other aspects of mind are drowned out. The talk and the daylong are designed to re-contextualise the practice of mindfulness in the light of early Buddhist psychology and contemporary approaches to meditation.
2014-07-26 Mindfulness Infused: Brahmavihāras for Meditators - afternoon session 2:10:06
Akincano Marc Weber
Mindfulness has become big. In the buzz around its importance, some of its intrinsic connections to other aspects of mind are drowned out. The talk and the daylong are designed to re-contextualise the practice of mindfulness in the light of early Buddhist psychology and contemporary approaches to meditation.
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