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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: Insight Meditation Retreat

This insight meditation retreat, open to all, will explore the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, as taught in the Satipaṭṭhāna discourse given by the Buddha. It is a profound teaching that encourages us to place the path of freedom and compassion into the classroom of our lives, nurturing a heart that is receptive and unshakeable.

Each day will offer a sustained schedule of formal meditation with practice in both insight and metta (boundless friendliness), meetings with the teachers, talks and instructions, all within an environment of silence.

2016-07-10 (8 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2016-07-10 Opening Talk 44:25
Christina Feldman
2016-07-11 The Present Alone - is our happiness 59:42
John Peacock
What is meant by the present moment? Why would we like to live in it.
2016-07-13 Anatta revisited - Channa's story (SN 22.90) 56:49
Akincano Marc Weber
Self – Not-Self. Channa receives help when stuck and lost.
2016-07-14 Can we learn to be good? 60:28
John Peacock
A talk that covers the importance of ethics and morality in relation to our practice and our daily lives
2016-07-16 Metaphors of growth - sudden and gradual. 61:42
Akincano Marc Weber
Thinking about Indian simile, Metaphor. Brief historical point about sudden and gradual debate in Lhasa
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