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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Buddhist Studies: The Eightfold Path

In this seven-week course, we will explore the teachings on the eightfold path as a relevant guide for our practice. This map emphasizes an interrelated three-fold training in seeing clearly, valuing non-harming and stabilizing present moment awareness.

2020-07-06 (93 days) Common Ground Meditation Center

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2020-08-17 Buddhist Studies - The Eightfold Path: The Buddha's Path of Awakening, Week 7 - Meditation 32:18
Mark Nunberg
Chant followed by guided meditation
2020-08-17 Buddhist Studies - The Eightfold Path: The Buddha's Path of Awakening, Week 7 - Talk 58:02
Mark Nunberg
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