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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Insights to Live By

With Tovana offered online

2020-09-24 (5 days) SanghaSeva

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2020-09-24 Bringing Insights to Life 17:46
Nathan Glyde
Introducing the theme of the retreat: Insights To Live By, by defining insight (as Rob Burbea has) as ways of relating to life that bring freedom here and now. Insights are transferable between us, between sessions of meditation, and very possibly between all aspects of our lives.
2020-09-24 Samādhi Surfing 45:34
Nathan Glyde
1st guided meditation of the retreat, steadying into the present experience of body-heart-mind unification. Riding the wave of the present moment in intimate connection with breath & body sensations or sounds near and far.
2020-09-24 Hebrew - Fabrication - Ways of Looking and The Shaping of Experience 47:27
Zohar Lavie
Hebrew Dharma Talk
2020-09-25 Hebrew - Day 1 Instructions - Opening to the Pleasant 50:38
Zohar Lavie
Hebrew Meditation Instructions - On Body Awareness
2020-09-25 Hebrew - Guided Metta to Easeful Relationships and Oneself.mp3 40:36
Zohar Lavie
Metta in Hebrew
2020-09-25 Vedanā - the Current in the Ocean of Life 49:58
Nathan Glyde
Dukkha is dependently originating with tanha (demands), demands are dependently originating with preference, preference is dependently originating with unquestioned belief in the subjective arising of vedana. But more and more peace is possible.
2020-09-26 Day 2 Instructions - Vedanā.mp3 57:10
Nathan Glyde
Meditation Instruction
2020-09-26 Tuning into Mettā 43:35
Nathan Glyde
Guided Mettā Meditation - offering an easeful relationship, more neutral beings (the inbetweeners), and the image of oneself then expanding to all beings.
2020-09-26 Hebrew - 3 Characteristics 48:54
Zohar Lavie
Hebrew Dharma Talk
2020-09-27 Hebrew - Mettā to Sensations 43:46
Zohar Lavie
Metta in Hebrew
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